Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So worth it.

Sometimes, Mommy needs a little 'me' time, even if it is only to dick around on the Internet. So during this me time, Owen sort of gets away with whatever.

The house is basically child proofed, but I assure you, if I missed something, Owen will find it. Case in point, as I write, he is pulling out all of the kitchen utensils from the Giant Drawer of Utensils. Spatulas, spoons, tongs, pizza cutters, etc. (I just discovered that I own a potato peeler. Rad!) These are his favorite toys.

If I were a more crafty woman (which I will be from now on, as this idea has just dawned on me), I would just buy myself some new awesome kitchen thingamajigs and justify it by saying that they are Owen's new toys. Then we both win! But seriously, he loves himself a spatula.

Side note: I just spell checked, and I had the word "thingamagiggies" that it didn't like. I clicked on it thinking that there would not be anything remotely close to the spelling, and lo and behold, "thingamajigs." It's a real word, people.

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